Hangboarding 101: Mounting, Using, and Training Tips for Climbers


Hangboarding is a fundamental training tool for climbers, offering a targeted way to build finger strength and improve overall climbing performance. But for beginners, knowing how to start hangboarding, how often to train, and how to mount a hangboard can be daunting. This article delves into the essentials of hangboarding, providing a comprehensive guide for climbers looking to enhance their skills.

How to Mount a Hangboard

Above the Door Frame: A Popular Choice

Mounting a hangboard above a door frame is a common approach, as it typically provides enough space and is a convenient location. Here’s a quick guide on how to mount your hangboard above a door:

  1. Choose the Right Hangboard: Select a board that fits the width of your door frame and meets your training needs.
  2. Gather Tools and Materials: You’ll need screws, a drill, a stud finder (to locate the beams and electricity in your wall), and possibly a mounting board.
  3. Mark and Drill: Mark the drill points on the wall, ensuring they align with the studs for secure mounting. Drill holes and screw the hangboard in place.

Consider a Freestanding Setup

If you can't mount it on a wall, consider a freestanding setup. This might involve a bit of DIY but allows for a portable and non-permanent solution.

For a more detailed guide on how to mount your hangboard look here!

How to Use a Hangboard

Starting as a Beginner

Beginners should start with basic holds and shorter sessions to avoid injury. Here's a simple routine:

  1. Warm-Up: Always start with a general warm-up to get your blood flowing.
  2. Basic Holds: Begin with larger holds, gradually shifting to smaller grips as your strength improves.
  3. Short Sessions: Initially, keep sessions short (about 10-15 minutes) and focus on maintaining good form.

Hangboard Training Tips

  1. Consistency is Key: Regular, shorter sessions are better than infrequent, longer ones.
  2. Gradual Progression: Increase the difficulty of holds and duration of sessions gradually.
  3. Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain, stop and rest.

Hangboarding How Often?

Finding the Right Frequency

A common question on platforms like Reddit is, “How often should I hangboard?” The answer varies based on experience, but a good rule of thumb is 2-3 times per week, allowing for rest days in between. This frequency provides ample training stimulus while allowing for recovery.

How to Hangboard in Different Settings

Doorframe Setups

For those using a doorframe, ensure that the hangboard is securely mounted and that there's enough clearance for your feet to hang freely.

Making Your Own Hangboard

DIY enthusiasts can create their own hangboard. You’ll need wood, grip materials (like resin or sandpaper), tools for cutting and shaping, and a solid understanding of what types of holds you want to include.


Hangboarding is an excellent way to enhance your climbing skills, but it’s crucial to start correctly. Mount your hangboard securely, use it properly, and train consistently, but safely. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to stronger climbs and better performances on the wall.

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