Hangboard Door Mount

A hangboard door mount is a specialized device designed for climbers to train grip strength and endurance from the convenience of their homes. These mounts allow a hangboard, which is a training tool with various holds and grips, to be attached to a door frame without the need for permanent fixtures or drilling.

What is a Hangboard Door Mount?

  • Definition: A hangboard door mount is a bracket or system that enables a hangboard to be mounted over a door frame.
  • Primary Use: Used by climbers and athletes for finger strength training, it's an essential tool for improving climbing skills.

Why Use a Hangboard Door Mount?

  • Accessibility: Ideal for renters or those who prefer not to drill into walls.
  • Convenience: Easily installed and removed, making it suitable for temporary or shared living spaces.
  • Space-Saving: Utilizes the door frame, an often underused space in homes or apartments.

Safety and Reliability

  • Materials: Typically made from sturdy metals or heavy-duty plastics, ensuring a secure mount.
  • Stability: Quality door mounts offer a firm hold, reducing the risk of the hangboard dislodging.
  • Weight Support: Designed to support the weight of an adult climber, though weight limits should be checked.

Installation and Use

  • Drill-Free: One of the significant advantages is the non-requirement of drilling or permanent fixtures.
  • Ease of Installation: Often designed to be user-friendly, with simple steps to secure the hangboard in place.
  • Door Frame Compatibility: Generally adaptable to standard door frame sizes, but it’s essential to check compatibility.


  • Price Range: The cost can vary, typically ranging from $35 to $125, depending on the material and brand. You can save a significant amount of money with a DIY setup using a pull-up bar.
  • Value: Offers a cost-effective solution for climbers who wish to train at home without substantial investments.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:
    • No drilling required, preserving the integrity of walls and door frames.
    • Portable and easily removable.
    • Accessible for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced climbers.
  • Cons:
    • May not fit all door frame sizes.
    • Limited by the weight capacity of both the mount and the door frame.
    • Some models might limit the door's functionality when installed.

Can You Put a Hangboard on a Door Frame?

Yes, with a door mount hangboard, you can safely and effectively install a hangboard on a door frame. This method allows climbers to train in various locations within their home without permanent modifications.

In conclusion, hangboard door mounts offer a practical and flexible solution for climbers looking to enhance their training at home. With the advantage of being non-permanent, they cater to the needs of various users, balancing convenience, safety, and efficiency.

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