Hangboard Workout Tips
These are a few things you can learn prior to hangboarding - it also serves as a good reminder on proper form!
1. Shoulder Positioning:
Keep your shoulders engaged and slightly retracted. This means they should be pulled down and away from your ears. This engages the muscles of the upper back and stabilizes the shoulder joints.
Avoid overly retracting the shoulders, which can lead to unnecessary activation of the chest muscles and arching of the back.
2. Elbow Positioning:
Keep a slight bend in your elbows when you hang. This should not be a 90° lock off, but just slightly enough to engage the muscles and avoid strain on the elbow joints.
3. Grip Technique:
Always use an open-handed grip when starting out. Avoid full-crimping, as this can put excessive stress on your finger tendons and lead to injuries.Here are some of the grips you will be using in almost all of the workouts
Open Hand Grip

Half Crimp Grip

Full Crimp Grip

4. Body Tension:
Maintain high body tension when hanging. Engage your core muscles to keep your body straight and stable. This helps in avoiding unnecessary swinging or rotation which can lead to injury.5. Progressive Overload:
Start with easier holds, such as jugs or larger edges, and gradually progress to smaller holds as your strength improves.
Modify the hang time and rest time as you progress. For beginners, a common protocol might be 10 seconds of hanging followed by 20-60 seconds of rest. As strength improves, you can increase hang time and decrease rest time progressively.
6. Exercise Patience and Prudence
Hangboarding targets small muscles and tendons differently than a typical gym workout, and benefits develop over time, requiring persistence and patience. Start gently to avoid injuries like pulley tendon strains, a common issue for the overenthusiastic.
Prioritize proper form and acquaint yourself with the sensation of hanging on the board. Observe how your body and fingers respond after sets of hangs. It’s normal for your fingers to tire quickly initially; the early sessions are about adapting your body to hangboarding.
Listen intently to your body as you train. If soreness emerges in your fingers or elbows, take some time off, reassess your form, and ease back into your training.
How many times a week should I hangboard?
Most climbers should hangboard 2 to 3 times per week, allowing at least one rest day between sessions for recovery. Beginners should start with 1 to 2 sessions to allow tendons to adapt, while experienced climbers might handle up to 3 to 4 sessions with careful monitoring for signs of overtraining or injury. Always prioritize quality and listen to your body's response to the training.
Beginners: If you're new to climbing or hangboarding, your tendons and muscles may not be fully adapted to the stress of hangboard workouts. Start with 1 to 2 sessions per week, allowing for plenty of rest and recovery time between sessions.
Intermediate Climbers: With some experience and if your fingers are already conditioned to climbing stresses, you might aim for 2 to 3 sessions per week. Ensure you're not experiencing pain or discomfort, and always allow for at least one rest day between sessions.
Advanced Climbers: Experienced climbers with years of finger strength training might handle 3 to 4 sessions per week. However, this is highly individual, and such frequency should only be attempted if you're confident in your recovery and injury prevention strategies.
Regardless of your level, here are some general tips to consider:
Rest and Recovery: Tendons recover slower than muscles, and overworking them can lead to injuries like tendonitis. Always prioritize rest and listen to your body.
Quality over Quantity: Focus on the quality of your hangs, ensuring proper form and engagement. It's better to do a few well-executed hangs than many poorly done ones.
Incorporate Variety: Change up the grips and difficulty to work different parts of the fingers and hands and prevent overuse injuries.
Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain (not to be confused with the discomfort of a good workout), stop immediately. Tenderness and mild discomfort are normal, but sharp or persistent pain is a sign to rest and reassess.
Hangboard Workouts:
Beginner Hangboard Workout:
- Stretch out your forearms
- Start with a jug or depth you are really comfortable with
- Hang for 10 seconds, rest 20 seconds - repeat twice.
When you are just beginning it is important to take things slow as tendons take longer to recover, and in general just take time to strengthen.
Start with a depth that you can comfortably hang from for about 10-15 seconds, normally 30mm to 50mm depth for beginners.
- Hang for 10 seconds.
- Rest for 30-60 seconds.
- Repeat the first two steps 5-8 times.
This is a good routine for the first 2-3 months of your hangboarding journey. You can change up the number of sets, time, and rest as needed to increase/decrease the intensity.
Intermediate Hangboard Workout
After 2-3 months your tendons will be acclimated to the hangboard, so we can start to increase the intensity.
- Stretch out your forearms
- Start with a jug or depth you are really comfortable with
- Hang for 10 seconds, rest 20 seconds - repeat twice.
- Start with a half crimp grip
- Use a depth that you would fail at 13-15 seconds
- Hang for 10 seconds
- Rest for 20 seconds
- Repeat for 8 repetitions
- Next start with a 3 finger drag position
- Use a depth that you would fail at 13-15 seconds
- Hang for 10 seconds
- Rest for 20 seconds
- Repeat for 5 repetitions
Advanced Hangboard Workout
- Everything from above
- Start from a two finger drag position or half crimp
- Use your middle and index finger
- Hang for 10 seconds
- Rest for 20 seconds
- Repeat for 2 sets
- Use the same drag position or half crimp but with your middle and ring finger
- Hang for 8-10 seconds
- Repeat for 2 sets
Metolius Hangboard Workout
This is a workout from Metolius. It is for 10 minute sequences if you are looking for a good place to start or only have 10 minutes to train!
Entry Level Hangboard Workout
1st minute: 15-second hang on Jug
2nd minute: 1 pull-up on Round Sloper
3rd minute: 10-second hang on Medium Edge
4th minute: 15-second hang with 3 shrugs on Pocket
5th minute: 20-second hang with 2 pull-ups on Large Edge
6th minute: 10-second hang on Round Sloper, followed by 5 knee raises on Pocket
7th minute: 4 pull-ups on Large Edge
8th minute: 10-second hang on Medium Edge
9th minute: 3 pull-ups on Jug
10th minute: Hang as long as possible on Round Sloper
Intermediate Hangboard Workout
1st minute: 15-second hang, followed by 3 pull-ups on Large Edge
2nd minute: 2 pull-ups on Round Sloper, followed by 20-second hang on Medium Edge
3rd minute: 20-second hang on Small Edge, then a 15-second 90º bent arm hang on Pocket
4th minute: 30-second hang on Round Sloper
5th minute: 20-second hang on Large Edge, followed by 4 pull-ups on Pocket
6th minute: 3 offset pulls each arm (high arm on Jug, low arm on Small Edge), then switch hands and repeat
7th minute: 15 knee raises on Jug, followed by 15-second hang on Medium Edge
8th minute: 25-second hang on Medium Edge
9th minute: 15-second hang on Slope, then 3 pull-ups on Jug
10th minute: Hang as long as possible on Round Sloper
Advanced Hangboard Workout
1st minute: 20-second straight arm hang on Large Slope, followed by 3 pull-ups on 4-Finger Flat Edge2nd minute: 20-second slightly bent arm hang on Large Slope, then 20 seconds of L-sit or 20 hanging knee curls
3rd minute: 5 pull-ups on 3-Finger Pocket, stay on for a 25-second straight arm hang
4th minute: Sequentially use every hold starting at the 3-Finger Pocket and working up, staying on each for 5 seconds, finishing on Large Slope with a 20-second hang
5th minute: 20-second single arm hang on Four-Finger Flat Edge, switch hands and repeat
6th minute: 5 offset pull-ups (top hand on Large Slope, bottom hand on 3-Finger Pocket), change hands and repeat
7th minute: 30-second 90-degree bent arm hang on Four-Finger Incut Edge, followed by 15-second straight arm hang on 3 Finger Pocket
8th minute: 3 L-sit pull-ups (bend knees if needed), followed by 5 seconds of a front lever or 15-second straight arm hang on Large Slope
9th minute: 20-second straight arm hang using only 2 fingers on 3 Finger Pockets, followed by 3 power pull-ups (use weights or helper for resistance; you should just be able to do 3 pulls)
10th minute: Maximum slightly bent arm hang on Large Slope (go to failure) with no rest, followed by maximum straight arm hang on Large Slope
Metolius Simulator 3D Workout Guide
This is a specific workout for the Metolius Simulator 3D
Entry Level Routine
1st minute: 10 second dead hang, deep flat edge (7)2nd minute: 15 second dead hang + one pull-up, outer jugs (1)
3rd minute: 2 offset pull-up (1 each arm) center jug (14) & deep three finger pockets (4)
4th minute: 15 second dead hang, extra deep 3 finger pockets (9)
5th minute: 12 second dead hang flat slopers (2) & 5 knee raises outer jugs (1)
6th minute: 16 second offset hang (8 sec per side), deep pocket (15) & shallow edge (5)
7th minute: 3 pull-ups outer jugs (1)
8th minute: 8 second bent arm hang (elbows @ 90), round slopers (3)
9th minute: 1 pull-up & then 10 second hang, ext-deep 3 finger pocket (9)
10th minute: Dead hang to failure, any holds
Totals: 7 pull-ups / hang time = 1:26 + final dead hang (ok to use feet on chair to lower resistance, place 1'- 3' behind plane of board)
Intermediate Routine
1st minute: 25 second dead hang, medium edge (5)2nd minute: 20 second dead hang, flat slopers (2), 3 pull-ups flat slopers
3rd minute: 15 second bent arm hang, shallow edge (6) & 10 knee raises, jugs (1)
4th minute: 15 second dead hang flat slope (2), 15 second dead hang round slopers (3)
5th minute: 20 second offset hang, jug (1) & shallow pocket (17), reverse holds - repeat
6th minute: 15 second offset hang, pockets (4 & 9), reverse holds and repeat
7th minute: 4 pull-ups, medium edges, 10 knee raises any holds
8th minute: 30 second dead hang, deep pockets (7)
9th minute: 10 sec one arm hang jugs (1), repeat other arm
10th minute: 5 pull-ups deep edges (7), without dropping off, bump up to round slopers (3) & dead hang till failure
Totals: 12 pull-ups / 20 knee raises / hang time = 3:30 + final dead hang
Advanced Routine
1st minute: 25 second dead hang shallow edge (6), 5 pull-ups three finger pockets (9)2nd minute: 5 offset pull-ups, pockets (15 & 12), reverse holds repeat
3rd minute: 45 second dead hang, extra shallow edges (11)
4th minute: 5 offset pull-ups, round sloper (3) & deep pocket (4), reverse holds repeat
5th minute: 10 second dead hang, x-shallow edges (11), staying on, campus to three finger pockets (9), campus to shallow edges (6), campus to flat slopers (2), hold for 15 seconds
6th minute: 15 second one arm hang, round sloper (3), rest 10 seconds, repeat other arm
7th minute: 5 L-sit pull-ups (bend knees if you have to), jugs (1), 20 second bent arm hang (elbows @ 90), deep two finger pockets (12)
8th minute: 20 second slightly bent arm hang, shallow 3 finger pocket (8), stay on, bump to x-deep three finger pockets 25 second dead hang
9th minute: 10 second hang center pockets (18 & 17), reverse holds repeat, three power pull-ups (use weights or helper for resistance, should just be able to complete third pull)
10th minute: 8 fast pull-ups, jugs (1) (keeping form perfect), dead hang round sloper to failure (fighting hard!)
Totals: 33 pull-ups / hang time = 3:38 + final dead hang
Beastmaker 1000 Hangboard Workout
Beginner Beastmaker Workout:
- 10 second dead hang (1) + two pull-ups (1)
- 10 second hang (5)
- Rest for 30 seconds
- Repeat step two and 3 for 3 repetitions
- Two pull-ups (1)
- 8 second hang on the sloper that is easiest for you (2 or 12)
- 8-10 second hang on the deepest three finger pocket (7)
- Hang to failure on any hold you choose (1, 5)
Congrats you made it! This is an excellent workout for your beastmaker 1000, you can stick to this workout/protocol for a few months and change the difficulty as needed.
The Hangboard Workout
Beginner Workout:
- Do a quick warm up as explained above to prevent potential injuries!
- Hang on the jug (1) with both arms for 10 seconds
- Repeat twice with a minimum of 20 seconds rest, between reps
- Next do two pull ups on the same jug (1)
- Move to the very beginner friendly 40mm edge (3)
- Hang for 10 seconds
- Rest for 30 seconds
- Repeat steps 5-7, 4 times
- If you feel comfortable move to the 30mm edge (4)
- If you do not feel comfortable continue with the 40mm edge (3)
- Hang for 10 seconds
- Rest for 30 seconds
- Repeat steps 9-12, 4 times