Magnus Midtbo Bouldering

Magnus Midtbø


5′ 8″




+1.2in (+3 cm)




How Good Is Magnus Midtbø?

Magnus Midtbø's hardest redpoint was Ali Hulk (sit start extension) 9a+\b (5.15b) sent on Aug 29th, 2010. It was originally graded a 9b but has since been downgraded to 9a+\b. 

His on-sight record stands at an impressive 8c+ (5.14c), and in bouldering, he has conquered problems up to 8B+ (V14), illustrating his versatility and exceptional ability in different climbing disciplines.

What Age Did Magnus Midtbø Start Climbing?

Magnus Midtbø started climbing in 2000 at 11 years of age in Bergen, Norway. After only a year his achievements started, where he won the Norwegian Youth Championship in 2001.

Is Magnus Midtbø Retired?

Magnus has been retired from competitive climbing since May 2017. While Magnus Midtbø has shifted focus in recent years, especially towards content creation and entrepreneurship with his climbing brand Rungne, he remains active in the climbing community. He continues to inspire climbers worldwide through his YouTube channel and social media presence, including his widely followed Instagram account.

Magnus Midtbø Social Media

Magnus Midtbø Youtube

Magnus Midtbø Instagram

Magnus Midtbø Twitter

Magnus Midtbø Girlfriend

Magnus Midtbø has been dating Marte Knibe since May 31, 2019. She has been seen on Mangus's channel multiple times including the most popular time where she reacts to Magnus Midtbø free soloing with Alex Honnold. Magnus brought her climbing when they first met where she was a complete beginner known as "normal girl" in the videos. Since then you can see Marte Knibe on Instagram climbing outdoors in Italy,

How Tall Is Magnus Midtbø?

Magnus Midtbø Height is 5′ 8″ (173cm).

How Old Is Magnus Midtbø?

Magnus Midtbø is currently 35 and was born on September 18, 1988.

Was Magnus Midtbø on Ninja Warrior?

Yes, the episode he was in was "USA vs. The World (January 2020)" He went at a controlled pace, managed to clear the first 2 obstacles with ease as they were very climber oriented. The 3rd obstacle was lache based and not as related to climbing, nonetheless he still completed it and went onto the 4th obstacle. This obstacle was perfect for a climber and resembles a 60-80mm edge in which you need to go up and down and side to side with a small jump in between which was easy for Magnus. The 5th obstacle was a jump from a bar onto a platform that fully rotates which Magnus didnt seem to anticipate, and fell immediately.

He famously broke the lache bar during an obstacle run-through in 2019, hitting him right above the eye.

Is Magnus Midtbø a Good Climber?

Magnus Midtbø is considered an exceptional climber, with accomplishments in sport climbing and bouldering that rank him among the elite. His technical skills, physical conditioning, and mental fortitude have enabled him to tackle some of the world's most challenging routes and problems.

As mentioned above he has redpointed 9b and bouldered V14.

Magnus Midtbø Rungne

Rungne is Magnus Midtbø's business, most known for his magdust chalk and high quality outdoor/climbing clothes.

Does Magnus Midtbø own a gym?

Magnus Midtbø founded Oslo Klatresenter in 2017. In more recent times, he has gone on to open another gym in Bergen, Norway called Hoytunder Taket. The exact ownership details of these businesses remain personal and undisclosed.

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