Alex Honnold on a summit

Alex Honnold

Alex Honnold has secured his place in the history of rock climbing with his remarkable achievements in free solo climbing. In this daring form of climbing, adventurers scale massive rock faces with no ropes or safety equipment, relying entirely on their physical prowess, precision, and mental strength. Honnold's ventures have shattered the limits of what was previously thought achievable, propelling him to fame and establishing him as a leading figure in the climbing world.


5′ 11″




+3.1in (8.5cm)




Alex Honnold Free Solo

The term "free solo" has become synonymous with Alex Honnold, who has mastered the art of climbing sheer rock faces alone, unencumbered by traditional safety measures. This high-stakes style has captivated audiences worldwide, showcasing the extreme levels of concentration, physical ability, and risk management involved.

Does Alex Honnold Still Free Solo?

Yes although being a father is on his mind he still has done recent solos.
Alex Honnold's approach to free solo climbing remains ambitious, even with the responsibilities of fatherhood. Far from slowing down, his recent 32-hour and 6 minute, Ultimate Red Rock Traverse is a testament to his enduring prowess and passion for climbing. Covering 35 miles, ascending 23,000 feet vertically across 126 pitches, and conquering 23 summits, this feat included technical routes ranging from 5.6 to 5.10c. This adventure in Red Rock showcases not just Honnold's ability to undertake extensive solo climbs but also his innovative approach to combining endurance with technical skill. While his priorities have evolved, Honnold's recent activities underscore that he continues to push the boundaries of free solo climbing, maintaining a high level of engagement with the sport he has helped define.

Alex Honnold's approach to free solo climbing has evolved in light of his growing family, with the births of his two daughters introducing new considerations into his life. Balancing the demands of fatherhood with the intense preparation required for groundbreaking free solos means Honnold is now more selective about the challenges he undertakes. His dedication to being present for his young children naturally limits the time he can devote to the all-consuming preparation some of the most extreme free solos demand. This shift reflects a mature recalibration of priorities, where the thrill of climbing remains a core part of his identity, but not at the expense of family time and the responsibilities that come with it.

Is Alex Honnold the Best Free Climber? 

Determining if Alex Honnold is the best free climber involves navigating the subjective terrain of climbing achievements, personal milestones, and the evolution of the sport itself. Honnold's feats, especially his unprecedented free solo ascent of El Capitan's Freerider route, have not only pushed the limits of what's considered possible in free solo climbing but have also cemented his place in climbing history. This monumental achievement, along with his solo ascents of Half Dome and numerous other iconic formations, showcases his exceptional skill, mental fortitude, and physical endurance.

However, the climbing world is rich with extraordinary talent, each contributing uniquely to the sport. Climbers like Tommy Caldwell, who alongside Kevin Jorgeson completed the first free ascent of the Dawn Wall on El Capitan, and Chris Sharma, known for his pioneering routes in sport climbing and deep-water soloing, have also redefined the boundaries of climbing. Then there's Lynn Hill, whose free ascent of The Nose on El Capitan was revolutionary, proving that the most daunting challenges could be overcome.

What Route did Alex Honnold Free Solo?

Alex Honnold has free soloed an impressive array of routes, earning him global recognition for his unparalleled achievements in climbing. Among his most notable ascents:

  1. Freerider on El Capitan, Yosemite - Perhaps his most famous climb, Honnold ascended this 3,000-foot route in June 2017 without ropes, a feat documented in the Oscar-winning film "Free Solo."
  2. Half Dome's Regular Northwest Face, Yosemite - In 2008, Honnold completed an ascent of this iconic 2,000-foot wall, marking one of his earliest significant free solo achievements.
  3. Moonlight Buttress in Zion National Park - Free soloing this 1,200-foot sandstone cliff in 2008, Honnold tackled one of the most challenging crack climbs.
  4. The Rostrum in Yosemite National Park - Before his monumental free solo of El Capitan, Honnold climbed The Rostrum, another demanding route.

Is Alex Honnold Still Alive?

Yes, Alex Honnold is very much alive and continues to inspire with his climbing achievements and environmental initiatives. Known for his groundbreaking free solo climbs, Honnold is also active in promoting conservation through the Honnold Foundation.

Alex Honnold Wife

Alex Honnold is married to Sanni McCandless, a partnership that began when they met at a book signing in 2015. They got married in September 2020, embarking on a journey that beautifully merges their climbing passions with a grounded personal life. The couple has welcomed two daughters into their adventurous world; their first daughter, June, arrived on February 17, 2022, and their second daughter, Alice, was born on February 6, 2024. This growing family adds a new dimension to Honnold's life, illustrating a harmonious blend of high-stakes climbing achievements with the joys and responsibilities of family life.

Alex Honnold Hands

Alex Honnold's hands are a subject of fascination for many, bearing the marks of his climbing expertise. Notably thick and calloused, they exemplify the physical adaptations resulting from his long career of climbing.

How Old is Alex Honnold?

Alex Honnold was born on August 17, 1985, making him 39 years old as of 2024.

How Tall is Alex Honnold?

Alex Honnold is about 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall. This height, combined with his positive ape index (+3.1in), gives him an advantageous reach.

Where is Alex Honnold From?

Alex Honnold hails from Sacramento, California. Growing up near such iconic climbing destinations as Yosemite National Park has profoundly influenced his climbing career and skill development from a young age.

Has Alex Honnold Climbed Everest?

No, Alex Honnold has not climbed Mount Everest. His climbing pursuits have primarily focused on rock climbing and free solo ascents, rather than the high-altitude expeditions often associated with Everest.

Alex Honnold Weight

His weight is around 160-165 pounds (approximately 73 kg). This lean physique is meticulously maintained to optimize his strength-to-weight ratio, a critical factor in his success on the rock.

Alex Honnold Net Worth

Alex Honnold's net worth is estimated to be 2 million, distinguishing him in a profession where many climbers don't achieve significant financial success. This wealth stems not only from his achievements in climbing but also from sponsorships, public speaking engagements, and notably, the widespread acclaim of the documentary "Free Solo." His financial standing is a testament to his unique position in the climbing world, where despite the sport's growing popularity, the majority of climbers pursue their passion with little expectation of substantial monetary gain.

Alex Honnold Ape Index

Alex Honnold's ape index, or the ratio of his arm span to his height, is (+3.1in). Curious about your own ape index? measure it here with our calculator.

Is Alex Honnold Vegan?

While Alex Honnold follows a predominantly plant-based diet, he does not strictly identify as vegan, and "occasionally eats meat now". His dietary choices are influenced by environmental and health considerations, reflecting his commitment to sustainability and peak physical performance.

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